We are an all-volunteer organization, and we will respond as soon as possible.
or phone Carol Borich, Co-president at 218 254-2179
The Lake Superior Rose Society began in 1996. Our group activities include: the annual Winter Banquet in February; Annual wholesale rose orders--join us!; an annual Rose Show and Rose Fest on a mid-July Saturday, monthly meetings that include educational briefs by LSRS Consulting Rosarians and programs relating to rose growing. Members share information through personal anecdotes and offer their gardens for tours. In 2004, the Lake Superior Rose Society hosted the American Rose Society, North Central District Rose Show.
The members of the Lake Superior Rose Society also serve the community through education and outreach by volunteering time in the Leif Erikson Rose Garden (LERG). These tasks include raising the roses in April, deadheading the spent blooms during the summer months, and helping in the final pruning and winterizing of the roses in October using the Minnesota Tip method.
Meet new people and enjoy learning more about roses. For more information, contact a Society officer
The roses are blooming and it's time to remove spent blooms. Join Lake Superior Rose Society and our members will teach you to care for roses. Beginners are welcome!
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